Order of Saint Benedict

The welcoming attitude that the Rule of our father Saint Benedict teaches us has led us to take into account a new type of visitor to the monastery that we were not able to recognize at first. It is about a virtual visitor, who no longer rings the bell that is in the gate of our monastery, but approaches through the Internet. Saint Benedict could not foresee when he wrote his Rule, in the first half of the 6th century, that something like this could happen. But surely we interpret it, we wanted to create this web page, a kind of virtual porter to serve our virtual guests and tell them that we are here and we want to answer their call as much as possible. On this website you can find information about our community and its life, about what it means to follow Christ as a monk and taking the Gospel as a guide, something about Benedictine monastic spirituality.
Along with welcoming you, dear virtual visitor, I also wish to invite you to visit us personally, since this web goal is in no way intended to replace the real goal, which is only reached by coming personally to the monastery. If what you have read has been to your liking, perhaps you may feel the desire to participate in the Hours (which we call Divine Office). Or get to know us better by staying a couple of days in our hostel to share our way of seeking God, at the rhythm of our monastic journey.
From now on that you make contact with us, you can join in our desire to put nothing before the love of Christ and help us with your prayer and friendship so that the Lord may make our community an authentic school of divine service. Amen.
Father Benito Rodríguez