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The monastic path



It is the first stage in monastic life. During this time the postulant knows the monastic foundations of our vocation and prepares to take the next step.



In this second stage of initial formation, the novice will be encouraged to dedicate himself to reading and meditating on the Sacred Scriptures, he will be prepared to celebrate the Work of God in the Liturgy and will be motivated to follow a path of search for God learning to recognize and use, through obedience, the gifts that the Lord placed in him. It will also be a stage for the novice to be instructed in the monastic tradition and in the spirituality of the Rule of Saint Benedict.



Towards the end of the time of the novitiate the novice will make his request to the abbot and the community to be admitted to temporary profession. If accepted, the novice will then make his vows for three years promising stability, monastic observance and obedience in this monastery, according to the Rule of NP San Benito and the Constitutions of our Congregation. During the time of temporary profession, the brother will take care to grow in knowledge and fidelity to the monastic vows, in his life of prayer, in his human and spiritual formation, in his full integration into the life of the community.



Initial formation concludes with solemn profession. This highlights the dimension of totality in the commitment already assumed in the temporary profession. However, the formation of the monk does not end with solemn profession. Stability and fidelity in the monastery until death require, in addition to a life of prayer committed to the practice of good works, a spiritual, doctrinal and practical formation that lasts until death.


If you feel the call to monastic life, contact us by writing to 

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Our Novice Master will answer you shortly. 

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